Little Viking

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Teaching Shakespeare - The Blog!

Hello all!

This is my first experience blogging and I'm proud to say that I find this much easier than climbing stairs or sitting in chairs. I am surviving the sweltering heat here in Puerto Rico (seriously, Northampton seems like the artic right now). While in the midst of moving and looking for a job, i have been trying to find time to do Bob's warm-up. I have found one large difficulty. It has nothing to do with the strange looks i get from my husband or our neighbors (The walls of our apartment are paper thin. I can only imagine how they interpret "huh" "zool" and "ahhhhh" at 6:00 in the morning.) No, the main problem is that my two dogs, seem to view the sounds as some kind of mating call can imagine the rest. Instead of relaxing and finding my natural voice, I spend 30 minutes prying a dog off each leg.

Alas, I digress, I miss you guys so much already and I'm glad we have this blog to stay in touch. Thanks Amanda!


At 7:05 PM, Blogger educat said...

Are you blogging!?! Really, my sister wife!?!


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